Test & Tagging
Test & Tagging It is a venue requirement that ALL electrical equipment that comes on site is tested and tagged in accordance with the State Health & Safety Regulations to meet Australian certified standards. This includes mobile phone chargers, laptops chargers, lighting and electrical equipment – see below for further examples This applies to all […]
Vehicles on Display
Vehicles on Display An exhibitor who is planning to include a vehicle on their stand must notify the Operations Manager their intentions no later than 28 days prior to commencement of the exhibition. Exhibitors will then be given a specific arrival and departure time to move the vehicle on and off the stand. The Organisers requires details […]
Noise Restrictions
Noise Restrictions Exhibitors showing films or creating excessive noise or using audio visual aids which disturb adjacent exhibitors may be asked to cease such activities in the interest of the overall exhibition. Excessive noise as deemed by the Organisers to cause a disturbance is not permitted. The Organiser shall be regarded as the sole arbiter […]
Helium Balloons
Helium Balloons Helium balloons are only permitted as fixed features of a stand or exhibit. Exhibitors must obtain written approval from the venue for the use of helium. The exhibitor will be charged for the removal of any balloons remaining in the halls and for any Fire Brigade call-out costs associated with false alarm calls […]
Height Restrictions
Height Restrictions Stands must not exceed 2.5m in height without permission of the Organisers. Where permission is given for perimeter walls above this height, then the wall must be solid and dressed on both sides to the satisfaction of adjoining exhibitors. All space only exhibitors should contact the Operations Manager if you have any queries.
Floor Load Weight Limits
Floor Load Weight Limits When moving and positioning heavy items within the venue, it is important to consider the floor loading of the area and the path available to that area. The Exhibition Centre halls have a floor loading capacity of 20kpa (2000kg/sqm). Factors to be considered by any person working in any area of […]
Flooring Flooring Raised flooring can help to differentiate your stand and hide cables. However it presents safety issues and you must ensure that your stand-builder complies with the Building Code of Australia. Raised Floors under 115 mm in Height All raised floors with a height of less than 115 mm must have a clearly distinguishable […]
Fire Regulations
Fire Regulations Any materials used for construction of your stand or display must conform to the following minimum standards: Non-combustible and inherently non-flammable material Durable, flame-proof fabric Self-extinguishing plastic Plywood, hardwood or fibre-board rendered flame-resistant by a process of impregnation acceptable to the Authorities The storage of any flammable liquids or fuel within the Exhibition […]
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
All Emergency services need to be coordinated through the Event security to ensure that the emergency vehicles are given the correct information. All security staff are qualified in First Aid procedures. For any first aid requirements please visit security on the show floor or go to the Organiser’s office where security can be contacted. In […]
Car Parking
Car Parking Entrance to the GCCEC car park is from the Gold Coast Highway. The car park has an overhead clearance of 2.1 metres with 1,300 undercover car spaces for short term parking. All Exhibitors, Contractors and Suppliers are required to pay for parking. The GCCEC operates an automated car parking system. The cost is […]