19-20 June 2025

Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre

Sampling Food or Non Alcoholic Beverages

Food & Beverage (Non Alcoholic) Sampling

The Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre (GCCEC) has the sole rights for the sale and distribution of any article of food or drink for consumption on-site however the GCCEC understands that sampling is a key part of the exhibition experience. The sampling of externally supplied food or beverage is permitted at the venue providing exhibitors notify the organisers of their intent to sample and ensure that they meet all local and state government food safety regulations and prepare all the necessary forms. ** If your stand has Alcoholic Beverage Sampling, please note you will also be required to adhere to QLD liquor licensing regulations as well as food safety. Please ensure you read the Alcohol Sampling page and complete the additional necessary steps.

What is Considered Sampling?

Sampling is providing any food or beverages to visitors for consumption (a small ‘taste’ of food). Note: the word selling and sampling in all Local Council food safety information refer to the same – i.e. money does not need to exchange hands for it to be considered sampling. Please Note:
  • All items being sampled must be directly related to the exhibitors core business.
  • Exhibitors who submit forms late risk not being able to sample their products
  • Extra cleaning charges incurred through spillage or the removal of food/wet waste will be the responsibility of the Exhibitor
Please feel free to contact the Customer Services Coordinator if you have any questions or are unsure of sampling.
Sample Food & Beverage (Non Alcoholic) Portions are limited to;
Food (pre cooked, dairy, dips, premade sandwiches/salads, biscuits, sweets) 50 gm or ‘bite-size’ pieces
Non-alcoholic beverage (coffee, fruit and vegetable juices, cordials, soup, etc) 100ml or less

Apply for Sampling

 Login and complete the Sampling – Food & Beverage (Non-Alcoholic) additional form by 8 May 2025
Log in using the details from your welcome email Visit Website
  • The details you input into the Sampling – Food & Beverage form will also be used by the Organisers to apply for a Food and Beverage Sampling permit from the GCCEC on your behalf.
  • The venue will write to you separately to confirm receipt of your intention to sample. Should they have any concerns or questions with your sampling activities, they will contact you directly.
  • The contact details you input into this form may also be used to generate any invoices  issued by the venue or other authorities in the event if you do need to pay a fine amount.

Hand Washing & Set Up Requirements

Make sure you understand what hand washing requirements and set up your stand needs before the event. This will depend on the relative risk of the food you have and the preparation methods. Further detail is discussed here: Hand washing requirements

Cooking Food on your stand

For full preparation of foods – such as cutting, chopping, mixing then cooking; you must have:
  • A plumbed in double bowl sink with Cold & Hot water taps installed– Refer to the Plumbing Page if you need assistance.
  • and a separate plumbed in hand wash unit – with an adequate supply of warm running water (approximately 40°C), liquid soap and disposable paper towels
  • Food Grade Bench Sanitiser
  • Hand Sanitiser for both staff and public
  • Controlled temperatures – fridge or freezer – with documented daily temperatures taken and recorded.
  • Thermometer for testing temperature of cooked foods – and documenting of.

Food Safety Supervisor

Under the Food Standards Code, Standard 3.2.2A, Food Safety Management Tools, food safety supervisors for category one and category two * (refer below) food business must have a food safety supervisor to ensure food is being handled safely. This person must have a current Australian Food Safety Supervisor Certificate with the competency codes SITXFSA101 – Use hygienic practices for food safety and SITXFSA201 – Participate in safe food handling practices. The Qld Food Act 2006 requires a food safety supervisor to be ‘reasonably available’  including contactable by  food handlers at the food Show and by the local government. The food safety supervisor should demonstrate that they have informed all staff working at the Show, the correct food handling procedures applicable for the business. The above details should be supplied in your Sampling – Food & Beverage Compulsory Form   *What are category one and category two businesses? Category onecategory one business is a food business that:
  1. processes unpackaged potentially hazardous food, into a food that is:
    1. potentially hazardous food; and
    2. ready-to-eat food.
Examples of category one businesses include:
  • restaurants
  • takeaway outlets
  • caterers
  • bakeries.
Category twocategory two business is a food business that offers for food for retail sale that is:
  1. potentially hazardous food; and
  2. ready-to-eat food, where that food:
    1. was received unpackaged by the food business or was unpackaged by the food business after receipt; and
    2. was not made or processed (other than slicing, weighing, repacking, reheating or hot-holding the food) by the food business.
Examples of category two businesses may include retail such as:
  • delicatessens
  • market stalls
  • service stations
  • convenience stores.
Source: Food Standards Australia and New Zealand, Food Standards Code, Standard 3.2.2A, Food Safety Management Tools (PDF, 2 MB). General Guidelines for Cooking on Stand: 
  • The operator to be present at all times during cooking. Cooking equipment is not to be left unattended when in use.
  • A fire extinguisher and fire blanket must be present on the stand.
  • Any naked flame or hot surface must be positioned so that it cannot be knocked over or come into contact with any person or flammable item.
  • Signage is to be displayed adjacent to cooking surfaces when in use to notify public of hazards (e.g. hot surface).
  • Food preparation tools such as knives, scissors etc. to be kept out of reach of public.
  • Equipment to have safety mechanisms in place as appropriate (such as safety switches).
  • Cooking equipment to be maintained in good working order and to be tagged and tested.
  • Cooking must take place in a well-ventilated area. If cooking is likely to create large volumes of smoke, further information is to be supplied.
  • Spills must be cleaned up immediately. Non slip flooring is required in the cooking area.
  • Sufficient and appropriate waste bins must be provided and emptied regularly.
  • A protective barrier such as a sneeze guard that minimise the likelihood of contamination from customers.
  • Single use disposable utensils for sampling of food – do not allow the customer to touch the food.
  • Condiments should be in single use containers or squeeze type containers.
  • Perishable food should be stored in a refrigerated display or storage cabinet.
  • A thermometer must be on site at all times together with food safety program temperature records.
Please ensure you have read through the information thoroughly and have completed your compulsory forms under Food Sampling.

For further guidance and information

Contact Mary Whelan on0408 039 964, Food Service Advisor or email [email protected]

Compulsory Forms

Additional Services Order Forms