19-20 June 2025

Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre

Space Only Stand Information

Stand Design Requirements

All Space Only stands are required to submit a Stand Design to the Organiser at least 28 days prior to the show for approval. The organiser reserves the right to reject any design if it does not comply with WH&S/OH&S guidelines or venue building regulations. Please ensure you have submitted these designs acknowledging the below requirements.

  • We understand that weight loading at the venue is 2 Tonnes per square metre
  • We understand that this stand does not come with lighting, power, walls or carpet
  • We understand we need to build our own walls, minimum height of 2.5m high, approval required if higher
  • A 5 metre height limit applies to ALL stand designs. No exceptions
  • The structure of our stand and contents sit within the contracted space
  • Our adjoining walls are devoid of any branding overlooking neighbouring stands
  • Our stand has adequate pits for water/waste OR we do not require pits for water/waste
  • All open sides are at least 1/3 open or have been fitted with a transparent material
  • An engineering report has been supplied for any second storey stands
  • Stand design includes locations of smoke alarms and fire extinguisher for any stand with a roof
  • All material must comply with the Fire Hazard properties standards and codes and a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be produced upon request
  • Any flooring, steps and ramps included in the stand design comply with National construction code (NCC) standards
  • We are obliged to ensure all electrical items that come on site are tested and tagged, including those of our stand builder.
  • Our designs include exact dimensions, aerial & plan views including height, floor height & ramping gradient
  • Halogen lights are not permitted 
  • Raised floor 33mm to 115mm high must have a clearly distinguishable ramp / bevelled edge installed and incorporated into stand space 
  • Flooring higher than 115mm is deemed a step. If the stand is to be occupied by the public or exhibition attendees, a ramp must be provided within the allocated space. 
  • Rigging of any overhead structure or signage must remain within the perimeter of the stand space. Banners must be single sided when rigged on the perimeter of the stand that adjoins another stand otherwise the banner must be stepped in by 1m. 

All space only exhibitors should contact the Operations Manager if you have any queries.

Stand Designs

If you require a stand builder please contact our preferred supplier Harry the hirer.

Stand Inclusions

Click here to download the Space Only specification sheet

Fire Regulations

Any materials used for construction of your stand or display must conform to the following minimum standards:

  • Non-combustible and inherently non-flammable material
  • Durable, flame-proof fabric
  • Self-extinguishing plastic
  • Plywood, hardwood or fibre-board rendered flame-resistant by a process of impregnation acceptable to the Authorities
  • The storage of any flammable liquids or fuel within the Exhibition is not permitted.

Fire extinguishers and/or fire fighting equipment must at all times be visible and accessible, and must not be removed from its correct location.

Motor vehicles or other mechanical appliances displayed within the exhibition venue must contain a full tank of fuel, their batteries must be disconnected and a drip tray placed under the sump. A spare set of keys must be handed to the organiser and they will be returned at the conclusion of the show. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide a fire extinguisher with any vehicle in the hall and it must be visible on the stand at all times during show open hours.

Should construction of stands or exhibits create a potential smoke-locked area or create an area not serviceable by the existing sprinkler systems, the management of the exhibition venue, may require the smoke detection, emergency lighting, and exit lighting systems to be extended to cover the stand or exhibit areas.

Please notify the Operations Manager via the exhibitor manual if you intend on bringing a vehicle, utilising a naked flame, doing hot work, cooking, or utilising LPG Gas for more information about requirements.


Raised flooring can help to differentiate your stand and hide cables. However it presents safety issues and you must ensure that your stand-builder complies with the Building Code of Australia.

Raised Floors under 115 mm in Height

  • All raised floors with a height of less than 115 mm must have a clearly distinguishable ramped edge installed
  • Ramped edging with a gradient no less than 1:3 is acceptable to prevent a trip hazard on standard 32 mm high raised floors; however please note that a 1:3 ramped edge does not constitute a disabled access ramp (see Disabled Access below)
  • For raised floors above 32 mm and below 115 mm it is recommended that the gradient of the ramped edging is decreased to 1:8

Raised Floors over 115 mm in Height

  • All raised floors with a height greater than 115 mm, but less than 190mm are considered a step and therefore do not require ramped edging
  • Where the flooring height exceeds 190 mm, a series of steps should be constructed as per NCC requirements.
  • When a step is installed, an approved stair-nosing must also be installed, as per NCC requirements for steps in public places
  •  Where two (2) or more steps (risers) are provided, a handrail is to be provided to at least one side of the steps, as per NCC.

Floor Load Weight Limit

When moving and positioning heavy items within the venue, it is important to consider the floor loading of the area and the path available to that area. The Exhibition Centre halls have a floor loading capacity of 20kpa (2000kg/sqm).

Factors to be considered by any person working in any area of the venue include:
weight of the item

  • Dimensions of the item
  • How it will be transported within the Centre
  • Weight of any handling device (e.g. forklift)

If unsure about floor loading capacity for the intended use, please consult the Operations Manager before the show.

Height Restrictions

Stands must not exceed 2.5m in height without permission of the Organisers.  Where permission is given for perimeter walls above this height, then the wall must be solid and dressed on both sides to the satisfaction of adjoining exhibitors.

Please note that due to fire engineering restrictions, the maximum permissible stand height is five metres in the lower exhibition halls.

All space only exhibitors should contact the Operations Manager if you have any queries.

Helium Balloons

Helium balloons are only permitted as fixed features of a stand or exhibit.

The exhibitor will be charged for the removal of any balloons remaining in the halls and for any Fire Brigade call-out costs associated with false alarm calls that are caused by balloons or other exhibition related items tripping the smoke alarm beams.

Please contact the Operations Manager prior to the show if you plan to use helium balloons as part of your display.

Venue Induction

Please refer to our Venue Induction page

Compulsory Forms

Additional Services Order Forms