19-20 June 2025

Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre

WH&S Checklist

OH&S/WH&S Checklist

It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure they are compliant with the OH&S/WH&S legislation relevant to that state. To assist with understanding the Work Health and Safety Act please visit the Safe Work Australia web site for further information.

The organisers have satisfied themselves that the shows official contractors / suppliers are competent in the tasks required of them and have received and checked their risk assessments and safe working procedures are suitable and sufficient for the exhibition. Should an exhibitor wish to use the services of the official contractors, then the exhibitor at their discretion will not need to request these particular details.

Under WH&S Work Health & Safety legislation, exhibitors and their main stand contractors are responsible for all activities that take place on their stand throughout the event and any actions that could affect others not on their stand. This will involve the briefing, communicating to and controlling of all their sub-contractors who work on their stand.

Diversified Australia is committed to providing, maintaining and promoting, so far as is reasonably practicable, the highest standards of WH&S and welfare at all our events. All exhibitors and contractors at events organised by Diversified are expected to ensure that they provide a safe place and system of work, as is their legal duty under the relevant state WH&S Act. Successful safety management requires the commitment, involvement and co-operation of all those on-site at an event.

Further guidelines on OH&S/WH&S are available from the Organisers on request. The following should act as general guidelines only.

Exhibitor Checklist for OH&S/WH&S (Occupational Health & Safety/Work Health & Safety)

Appoint a planning supervisor to oversee the move-in, open and move-out periods.
At the tender stage, space only exhibitors should ask to see your principle contractor’s Risk Assessment specifically designed for the unique exhibition environment. Ask for their staff training records, accident statistics, take up references, and ask to see proof of previous work standards – in short satisfy yourself that your contractors are reliable and competent.
Appoint an OH&S/WH&S supervisor for the duration of the show, this may be the same person as the planning supervisor, then sign and return a copy of the OH&S/WH&S Declaration form.
Please ensure that all staff and contractors are familiar with the emergency regulations. These can be viewed in the information section of the exhibitor manual (Emergency, first aid and medical)
Provide suitable training and information to your staff and contractors regarding the on-site risks in order for them to understand and fulfil their responsibilities.
Plan your time during move-in and move-out. If appropriate, schedule a late working rotation.
Inform an organiser or security personnel as soon as possible if an accident does occur on site.
Remember tiredness and haste lead to mistakes.


Make sure you and anyone manning your stand understands the fire and evacuation procedures and location of the hall exits.
Make sure you use industry professionals when considering stand builders or service suppliers, members of the Exhibition & Event Association of Australian (EEAA) are recommended.
Ensure that any contractor working for you has a suitable OH&S/WH&S policy and good safety practices.
Read and understand the rules and regulations which are contained in the exhibitor manual.
Take extra care during the move-in & move-out, as this is when accidents are most likely to occur.
Make sure that contractors are working safely and ensure they are trained and competent. If you see an unsafe work practice, report it to the exhibition organisers or security immediately.
Working at height on ladders and scaffolding must be done in a controlled and safe manner.
Use the preferred electrical supplier for the exhibition. If you have your own display lighting or illuminated or electrically operated display, you must comply with appropriate state legislation.
Treat all cables as though they were live.
Draw up a move-in and move-out schedule. Make sure you have given your staff and contractors enough time to build your stand. Time constraints are no excuse for not adhering to safety standards.
Ensure that operators are fully trained and properly certified on the equipment being used.
Ensure that all rubbish and packing from your stand is removed from the site. It must not be stored on or behind your stand during the show.
Make sure that hazardous waste is disposed of safely. Please contact the organisers for advice.
Provide adequate breaks for your staff and contractors.
Make sure you are properly insured for the exhibition.
Keep gangways clear at all times for safety reasons.
Wear suitable protective clothing relevant to their job during the move-in and move-out. Even if you are not building the stand if you are onsite during move in or move out you are required to wear closed toe shoes. You will not gain access to the venue during the move-in or move-out period if you are not wearing closed toe shoes.
Make sure all electrical equipment and leads are in good repair, have been inspected and tagged and also ensure your stand builder has tested and tagged or ordered the power they require to build your stand in addition to any show requirements you may have.


Take children on site during move-in and move-out.
Use flammable materials in your displays. This includes plastic flowers, polystyrene etc. Some combustible materials may be acceptable if treated with the correct fire retardant materials.
Have overloaded or insecure displays. Make sure your displays are safe and secure as they can be knocked by visitors.
Overload trolleys. Not only can this damage your exhibits, but will make it difficult to move through crowded aisles and may cause injury to you and other people.
Turn up during the move-in and move-out wearing sandals or thongs. You must be wearing closed toe shoes to access the venue.

Compulsory Forms

Additional Services Order Forms